Workshop May 2024 – Global South-North Community-Based Rewilding

On May 29-31, 2024, the project “Rewilding the Anthropocene” organized the workshop “Global South-North Community-Based Rewilding: Interweaving Traditional Knowledge and Modern Science”. For three days, the workshop brought together international anthropologists to present and discuss rewilding cases from the Global South and the Global North. Scholars compared and discussed the rewilding ideas and practices at play in their research, and reflected on local knowledge and perspectives on rewilding around the world.


Wednesday, 29 May 2024

16:00-16:30 Welcome address and introduction – Léa Lacan, Michael Bollig, Dan Smyer Yü. Introductory round-table.

Session One – Chair: Hauke-Peter Vehrs

16:30-17:15 Upasana Ganguly – “Protecting the Garo Green Spine: A community led conservation initiative to secure safe passage for wildlife in Garo Hills, Meghalaya, North East India”
(co-authored with Balsreng Sangma, Rimachi Leisan, Karthik Pandi, Sunil Kyarong, Aditi Dhillon, Sandeep Kr Tiwari and Vivek Menon)

17:15-18:00 Michael Bollig – “The return of the giants: on the uneasy co-existence between humans and elephants in Namibia’s Northeast”

Thursday, 30 May 2024

Session Two – Chair: Wisse van Engelen

9:00-9:45 Ambika Aiyadurai – “Rewilding Tigers in Panna landscape and the role of Pardhis in Wildlife Conservation”

9:45-10:30 Léa Lacan – “Rewilding the Simalaha floodplains in southwestern Zambia: between Barotse tradition and NGO-led conservation”

Session Three – Chair: Emilie Köhler

11:00-11:45 Sarah Mund – “Keeping Pacific salmon in a messy world – Reconsidering anthropogenic impacts in an Indigenous territory”

11:45-12:30 Dan Smyer Yü – “Rethinking Wildness in Land Stewardship: Respatializing Humans, Elephants and Tigers in Premodern Xishuangbanna, Yunnan”
(co-authored with Zhen Ma, Dali University)

Session Four – Chair: Julia Brekl

14:00-14:45 Lucía Bergós – “Unpacking Rewilding in Latin America: Actors, Narratives, and Dynamics in Uruguay”
(co-authored with Magdalena Chouhy and Juan Martin Dabezies)

14:45-15:30 Thorsten Gieser – “How Rewilding Feels Like – Wolves, the Ethos, and the Return of the Ferocious to Germany”

Friday, 31 May 2024

9:00-12:00 Discussion and publications

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Workshop May 2024 – Global South-North Community-Based Rewilding

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